The Chosen

In February, some of us began watching ‘The Chosen’, a new multi-season drama about the life of Jesus, some at home but most together in the West Church Hall.

We begun with Season 1, Episode 1, I have called you by name. And we worked out that if we watched the second episode, Season 1, Episode 2, Shabbat, and keep watching each week through Lent, we will have watched the entire first season. This means making The Chosen our Lent discipline, meeting mostly on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings (there may be one exception to allow hall bookings already taking place to happen smoothly but this will be confirmed).

If you haven’t made the showing of the first two episodes, you can watch on your preferred device either by searching the App Store for ‘The Chosen’ or going to your preferred search engine and typing in ‘thechosentv’.

We’ll watch the second episode this coming Wednesday (26th) in the West Church Hall at 6.30pm. Teas will be available from 6pm. There will be a second showing for those who prefer mornings on Thursday morning at 11am. Teas will be available from 10.30am.

When we get to Lent, we’ll change the timings at little as follows:
Wednesday nights from 5th March:
Film begins at 6.30pm, Refreshments and Discussion from 7pm

Thursday mornings from 6th March
Film begins at 11am, Refreshments and Discussion from 12noon

Please feel free to be flexible in how you engage with the series. If you prefer to watch at home and come for the discussion please do. If you want to watch the film and go that’s okay too. And obviously, if you’re an ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’ kind of person, come for the whole shebang!

Carol Anne Porter (Rev)

Image © The Chosen