Medium Room
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Cathedral Sunday Service
Warm Spaces
LGOWIT Meeting
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - Social Committee
Cathedral Sunday Service
Natter n Nosh
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Guild
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
Youth Theatre
The Brownies
World Day of Prayer
Quiz Night
Youth Theatre
Kirk Session
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Woman's Group and The Guild
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
LGOWIT Meeting
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - By Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Guild
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Dornoch Cathedral ASM
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - By Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
LGOWIT Meeting
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Woman's Group
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Historylinks Coffee Morning
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Kirk Session
Tuesday Tots