Main Hall
Natter n Nosh
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Woman's Group and The Guild
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
LGOWIT Meeting
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - By Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Guild
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Bible Study with Rev Graeme Muckart
The Brownies
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Dornoch Cathedral ASM
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - By Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
LGOWIT Meeting
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Woman's Group
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Historylinks Coffee Morning
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Kirk Session
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
LGOWIT - Digital Meeting
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
LGOWIT Meeting
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - By Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Deacons Court
Natter n Nosh
The Brownies
Coffee Morning - By Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee
LGOWIT Meeting
LGOWIT Meeting
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Cathedral Finance Meeting
Kirk Session Meeting
The Brownies
Youth Theatre