Main Hall
Baby Massage Sessions
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Woman's Group
A Taste of Ukranian Lunch
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Brownies
Coffee Morning (Cathedral Social Committee)
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Anchor Boys/Junior Section
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
The Guild
The Brownies
Deacons Court Meeting
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Session
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
The Brownies
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Session
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
The Guild
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Living Better Group Meeting
The Brownies
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Cathedral Woman's Group
Baby Massage Session
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
The Brownies
Natter n Knit
The Guild
Natter n Nosh
Kirk Session
Natter n Knit
Dornoch Cathedral Social Committee COFFEE MORNING
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
The Guild
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Living Better Group Meeting
The Brownies
Natter n Nosh
Youth Theatre
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
Natter n Knit
Cathedral Prayer Group - Prayers for the way forward.
The Brownies
Cathedral Youth Theatre
Cathedral Woman's Group
Baby Massage Sessions
Tuesday Tots
Knit n Natter
Anchor Boys/Junior Section
Cathedral Prayer Group - Prayers for the way forward.
The Brownies