Cathedral Coffee Mornings

Please come along and enjoy company and home baking in the West Church Hall at our regular Coffee Mornings.

Dates for your diary:

  • Friday 27th January – 10.30-12.00
  • Friday 24th February – 10.30-12.00
  • Friday 24th March – 10.30-12.00
  • Friday 21st April – 10.30-12.00
  • Friday 26th May – 10.30-12.00
  • Friday 16th June – 10.30-12.00

Perhaps you can spare some time to help on Fridays?

We would like to invite anyone who has some time to join our social committee to help organise a range of other social events throughout the year .

Contact Una Reid on

Sutherland Presbytery Plan Consultation Document – Draft 2

After a Consultation Meeting with Presbytery on the 18th October amendments were made to the Sutherland Presbytery Plan Consultation Document.  Draft 2 has now been issued. This will be further discussed at a special meeting of Presbytery, to be held in Lairg Parish Church at 10.30am on Tuesday 29th November 2022. All are welcome to attend but only 3 people may speak from each congregation.

Download Sutherland Presbytery Plan Consultation Document – draft 2

COFFEE MORNING – Friday 28th October

We hope that you can come along to our Coffee Morning at the West Church Hall from 10:30 to 12:30. There will be freshly baked scones and pancakes and also a Sales table. All welcome with proceeds to support our Cathedral.

Cathedral Youth Group Performance – Saturday 10th December

The Cathedral Youth Group have two performance of its version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at 2.30pm and again at 7.00 pm in the West Church Hall. Entry is by donation. We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to support our vibrant and energetic local children.

Quiz Night in West Church Hall – Friday 11th November 7.30pm

Come along to a fun packed quiz night. It is a BYOB with light snacks and soft drinks provided for only £5 per head. Teams of four will be made on the night so individuals can enjoy the evening. It is not Mastermind and you will not win a million pounds but you will have great fun.

Natter & Nosh Christmas Lunch, Monday 12th December

Please make sure you get your ticket in advance for the Christmas Lunch on Monday 12th December. Tickets available from 31st October. Your last chance for tickets will be Monday 28th November. We need to know precise numbers for that day.

Congregational Meeting on the Sutherland Presbytery Plan

We are holding a Congregational Meeting to discuss the Sutherland Presbytery Plan Consultation Document tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 11am in the West Church Hall. A further meeting of Sutherland Presbytery will take place on Tuesday 18th October at 10.30am in Lairg Parish Church. All are welcome to attend, though only the nominated 3 people will be able to speak for each church. Should you wish to attend, please bring a packed lunch. tea and coffee will be provided.

There is a draft document in preparation here…

University of Aberdeen Chamber Choir

University of Aberdeen Chamber Choir

Saturday 15th October at 3pm … A date for your diary!!!

Come along and enjoy the amazing University of Aberdeen Chamber Choir. Why not bring a friend to enjoy a wonderful afternoon of music?

Admission is free.

Live Concert in the Cathedral

Staran in concert with Làirig

Concert at the Cathedral 4th September 2022 from Staran in concert with Làirig as part of the Blas Festival. Whilst Scottish traditional music are the roots of the group they demonstrated elements of other genres including jazz and electronica.

Live Concert in Cathedral

On 3rd July there was a LIVE CONCERT in the Cathedral presented by the talented voices of the choir Tarantara who provide  a range of material guaranteed to entertain (visit

Here is a link the subsequent video of their 2022 Highland Tour starting with the Tain Pipe Band in the Cathedral also features the Cathedral Choir.

Tarantara at the Cathedral