If you would like to view the Sunday service or the thought for the day on You Tube please subscribe to
‘’Worship Dornoch Cathedral’’ It is also available on the website [Worship Page].
To listen to the service phone 01862 494411.
Dornoch Guild will meet on Tuesday 24th October at 2.30pm in the West Church Hall. Our speaker will be Ann McDonald from Highland Senior Citizens telling is about Network for Help. All welcome.
Prayers for our New Parish – Every Thursday in November at 10.30 am – 2nd, 9th , 30th Dornoch, West Church Hall.
16th Bonar Bridge
23rd Ardgay
A time to gather and pray for our future congregation and all the decisions we need to make. ALL WELCOME.
Christmas and New Year Best Wishes – With the cost of postage continuing to increase you might wish to pass on your best wishes to friends and family via the Parish News. The details below are included in current Parish News.
We can include them in the next edition issued at the end November for a donation to Cathedral funds.
All hand written messages must be received by Sunday 5th November. Please enclose them in an envelope marked Parish News Christmas Greeting and handed in at the door with your donation or you can email them to newsletter@dornoch-cathedral.com by Friday 10th November.
To make your donation you can either use:
· Bank transfer – details are Sort Code 80-06-36; Account 06002380; Reference ‘Christmas Greetings’.
· Cheques made payable to Dornoch Cathedral and take to the Cathedral with your name on the envelope and marked Christmas Greetings.
· Cash in an envelope taken to the Cathedral with your name on the envelope and marked Christmas Greetings.
A huge thank you to all who have contributed to our Gift Day Appeal in any way. The amazing total raised so far is £15,078. The fund remains open until the end of the month.