Historic and emotional service to mark the closing of Kincardine Church

The Service to mark the closing of Kincardine Church had a full Church on Sunday 13th October. The local school, Gledfield Primary, had their own special Service on Friday before the pupils broke up for their October holidays. This was very fitting as the school was used for Services while the current Church was being built in 1909.
Regular Services were conducted until the end of December 2023 when Kincardine, Croick and Edderton and Creich Church and Dornoch Cathedral were united in a new Union, the Dornoch Firth Church of Scotland on, 1st January 2024.
The Service was be led by Interim Moderator for the Dornoch Firth Parish, Rev. Alistair Drummond, and supported by Rev. Carol Anne Porter, Locum Minister for the Parish, the Rev Mary Stobo, and Amanda Anderson, Highland & Islands Presbytery Support Officer, read the official closing statement at the end of the Service before Rev. Drummond gave the final blessing in Kincardine Church.

It was a historic and emotional occasion with some in attendance who were married, some were baptised and many whose parents had gifted various items to the Church. There was time after the service where the sizeable congregation shared memories with a display of photos as they enjoyed refreshments and the usual quality spread of goodies that Kincardine are noted for.